Why You Should Print Your Digital Pictures!
Digital pictures are in your phone, on your tablet, you have a point-n-shoot, and maybe even a DSLR. You can’t escape the selfies, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Today people are taking more pictures than ever before. The sad part is that few of these photographs will survive beyond a year. One solution is to print pictures to preserve them. To many people, a “picture” is only good for the moment. Moms and Dads want to snap every little movement of that new baby. Grandma wants to see everyone one of those too. When you want to show off the new puppy, you pull out the phone. And sadly in a week, pictures don’t have any real meaning and get “deleted” to make room for more pictures.

What will become of all the pictures taken today?
Only 1 in 200,000 photos taken today will ever be printed, meaning that most of our cherished moments remain confined to digital storage, often without the proper safeguards in place. If you have ever scrolled through your phone or computer, you likely have countless images scattered across your devices with no real organization or system. You might have tried to organize your photos at one point, but, let’s face it, it can be an overwhelming task. And for many, that overwhelming feeling leads to procrastination until disaster strikes: a phone breaks, a hard drive crashes, or a sudden lightning strike wipes out files.
Perhaps you go to a Professional Photographer to get those lasting pictures and all you want is someone to “take some pictures and give us the disc”. After all, it IS a “digital world” and it shouldn’t cost very much to “take them down to the 1 hr place” and get prints really cheap. So where are your discs today? I’m guessing, probably in the same drawer where the old cell phone is “lost”. I doubt you have your DVD’s, jump drives, or old floppies on your wall! And when Mom asks if you have that adorable photo of your now 16-year-old son or daughter- you know the one when they were 2- and you have to answer, I do, but I have to find it. “It’s on a disk…someplace…I think….maybe we still do…honey, where did we put that disk, jump drive again?”.

Where are YOUR photographs?
Stuck on some disc or stored out there in cyberspace someplace, hopefully? Perhaps purchase the beautiful $500 canvas print to display in your home that your Professional photographer worked so hard to produce for you. That was a “one of a kind” work of ART and an heirloom piece for your family to have and remember that little slice of their life. The wall art will become something that is passed from generation to generation and it is the only visual way your heirs will see what you looked like and see the love and emotions you expressed the instant that image was captured. So, make sure to print pictures to safeguard these memories.
In a world that seems to be losing touch with physical keepsakes, printing your photos ensures that your memories won’t simply vanish with the next tech update. It’s not just a sentimental gesture; it’s a critical step in preserving your history. So, take the time to print those photos. Ensure your memories are kept safe for you and for future generations, and don’t let the digital age steal away the joy of reliving those moments in a way that’s tangible, permanent, and priceless.
So think about whether you one of the “most photographed generation that doesn’t have a printed photograph in 10 years”? I guess it wasn’t that important then. Digital was cheap. Cameras were everywhere. It just didn’t seem that important. What will your great-great-grandchildren say when they can’t see what it was like when you were a kid. Lost memories are expensive. Please consider booking a free consultation or photo session to ensure you have something printed for your future family.