LinkedIn Headshot Tips
We shoot hundreds of headshots a year, we know a little bit about LinkedIn headshots. To help make sure you get the most out of your new LinkedIn headshot, here are three tips for you.
- Zoom In – LinkedIn is about networking. It doesn’t have the ability to view, inspect, and enlarge photos like some of the other social media apps. This means that your profile photo is TINY. Even if you do happen to click on someone’s profile photo, it doesn’t really enlarge much, so make sure your profile picture is cropped in tight. As a result, you ensure people can see your face and associate with your brand while they are scrolling.
- Simple – There is a big difference between branding photos and a LinkedIn headshot. Given that, you might want to consider something with a great background or scene, especially if your image is being featured in a magazine or on a website. Alternatively, your LinkedIn profile photo is a little hello to introduce you and your personality. It’s hard to get that across if your head is surrounded by plants or a cityscape. We recommend a solid, out of focus, or non-distracting background. Let your face be the focus of the shot.
- Pop of color – Currently, the most popular background color for a headshot is WHITE. White is crisp, clean and points all the attention to YOU! Alternatively, given that many people have a white background, the best way to stand out is with a pop of color! So, catch the eye of people scrolling with something extra by including a colorful background in your next headshot session. And here’s the good news: we can easily provide you with a color background version of any simple headshot even after the session with a little help from Photoshop.
Make sure that your headshot is impactful, recognizable, and stands out from the crowd Polish up that LinkedIn profile. Click here to see some past client headshot and branding photos.
Need an Updated Headshot? Get all the information you need HERE or schedule a quick consult now.